James Anthony Nolan Death Reason

One of his relatives of Nolan posted on Facebook sending condolences and said that the guy was a father as well. The family members added that Nolan was the best father to his children and that the family members will miss him no matter what. Nolan’s brother-in-law posted saying that he knew what the family went through and Nolan went through as well. He added that Nolan provided the best father to his children and has been the best to his wife as well. Lastly, his brother-in-law added that the death of Nolan does not feel real to him as well. Many people who knew Nolan sent condolences as well on social media.

Who Was James Anthony Nolan?

Nolan was a part of a group who used to litter, abuse, and tease newcomers to the area and used to beat them as well. They used to abuse beachgoers at first which was in Auckland’s Takapuna. After that, they also created havoc on the North Island back in 2019. A girl new to the area named Krista Curnow was also at the beach and she said that the group abused her and were threatening her when she was at the beach. She added that the guys were talking rubbish to her. This began when the girl asked the group to pick the rubbish that they left behind to which they teased and abused her openly which she said was threatening.

James Anthony Nolan: Wikipedia & Bio

A video of them was posted online on Facebook in which the group was seen teasing and abusing people on the island. The video showcased a guy who was seen in a hat threatening the girl saying that he would knock her out. Krista said that there were women as well in the group who were encouraging the guys to beat the girl.  There are many other groups as well in many parts of the island who just annoy others and put different things in the meals of the tourist in order to annoy them. Nolan as well was charged multiple times because he assaulted many people, and used to drive recklessly. He escaped New Zealand and came to the US, and he failed to appear in court as well.


Who Was James Anthony Nolan   Cause Of Death  Unruly Tourists Leader Dead  Family  Funeral   Obituary  - 97Who Was James Anthony Nolan   Cause Of Death  Unruly Tourists Leader Dead  Family  Funeral   Obituary  - 67Who Was James Anthony Nolan   Cause Of Death  Unruly Tourists Leader Dead  Family  Funeral   Obituary  - 33