A Teen Was Arrested For Shooting At Stratford High School Today

As the Metro Nashville Police department stated, a high school student from Nashville was arrested and is currently in custody for posting threats online on Instagram against Maplewood High School, and as soon as the police officers came to know about the threats made they arrested the teen without wasting any moment. The person arrested was a high school student aged 14 years old and he was charged with threatening mass violence in school and also making false reports of shooting in the juvenile court. Police revealed that they reached the whole area for hours long after the shooting was reported in the school.

Lockdown Imposed In Whole Building After Shooting

A similar case was reported in the Stratford High School and the school remains under investigation the police are still investigating the whole area. Metro Nashville Public school said in a statement that they are aware of the two similar synonymous social media threats that were posted against Stratford and Maplewood high school. They added that the MNPS and MNPS security were made aware of the threats posted and they are currently investigating the case. The officials of the school also added that these kinds of threats have become regular these days for schools across the country and the reason to take it serious is credible. They added the threats are taken seriously and the person who now posted threats online is under custody currently.

Shooting At Stratford High School Today

Earlier as well many shootings which were said to be just false calls or hoaxes were reported and in many of the cases, these shootings are false. Even if the shootings reported are false, the police are taking no chance and the whole area is investigated thoroughly to not risk the security of the students. Until now hopefully, no life loss or fatalities, or any kind of injuries have not been reported in Maplewood or Stratford high schools and the police are investigating the cases in case there is any threat to the students. As earlier there was a mass hosting in school, the whole country is shaken and if there is any sound related to the shooting or loud bangs are heard, police are informed and people are fearing for their lives.


Shooting At Stratford High School Today  Lockdown Imposed In Whole Building  A Teen Was Arrested  - 99Shooting At Stratford High School Today  Lockdown Imposed In Whole Building  A Teen Was Arrested  - 95Shooting At Stratford High School Today  Lockdown Imposed In Whole Building  A Teen Was Arrested  - 7Shooting At Stratford High School Today  Lockdown Imposed In Whole Building  A Teen Was Arrested  - 69